1. Is it true?
2. Can you absolutely Know that it’s true?
3. How do you react when you are thinking
that thought?
4. Who would you be without that thought?
Next think about the opposites.
Here is an example. Let’s say you‘ve been thinking the thought. He doesn’t care about me. Answer the questions.
1. Is it true? You say something like Yes! He never considers my feelings. Ok
2. Can you absolutely Know that it’s true? so this one is an opppotunity to think deeper and really reflect on your statement He doesn’t care about me. You may encounter thoughts of
The times that he really did care about you as well.
3. How do you react when you are thinking
that thought? Does That thought drain your energy and make you feel sad. Doesn’t it feel like a burden.
4. Who would you be without that thought? Imagine yourself with him without that thought. See yourself moving throughout your day without that thought. What type of energy would you have?
Next think about the opposites. Here are some example.
He does care about me.
I don’t care about him.
I don’t care about me.
Reflect on these thoughts and see how they feel.
These questions come from the beautiful
Byron Katie
this is her explaining it in her own words.